In PHP 7, a new feature, null coalescing operator (??) has been introduced. It is used to replace the 三元与isset()函数结合使用的操作。这个无效的如果合并运算符存在且不为NULL,则返回第一个操作数;否则返回第二个操作数。
<?php // fetch the value of $_GET['user'] and returns 'not passed' // if username is not passed $username = $_GET['username'] ?? 'not passed'; print($username); print("<br/>"); // Equivalent code using ternary operator $username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : 'not passed'; print($username); print("<br/>"); // Chaining ?? operation $username = $_GET['username'] ?? $_POST['username'] ?? 'not passed'; print($username); ?>
not passed not passed not passed